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For over twenty years the Research Methodology Training Laboratory (COE-RMTL) has trained and inspired young, low-income and underrepresented minority students to pursue their careers in the biomedical and health sciences.

The purpose of the UCSD Health Sciences Institute: Research Methodology Training Lab (COE-RMTL) is to train students from disadvantaged backgrounds to conduct research in a biochemical science lab to prepare them to enter graduate programs in the health sciences addressing health disparities.

During the summer, students participate in a structured program where they develop an original research project, write a report and prepare a presentation to take to conferences. In addition to their projects all students are exposed to lectures on health disparities research. Undergraduate and community college students receive lectures on preparation for graduate school, while high school students participate in an SAT prep course. Students may continue their research during the academic year.


Percy J. Russell 1926-2014

The Dr. Percy Russell HCOE Training Laboratory is named after the founding director of the HCOE at UCSD in 1993. The HCOE-RMTL is the only dedicated space on the Health Sciences Campus at UC San Diego for the training URM students. The laboratory is comprised of 600 sq ft lab space and a 110 sq ft computer analytical center. The lab also offers an 8-week boot camp for incoming biomedical graduate and MD/PhD students on laboratory methodologies and advance training in biochemistry and molecular biology skills. Students use the HCOE Laboratory year-round to develop their academic and professional skills and achieve their goals. 

The COE-RTML continues to engage new community and academic partners to expand its reach and work toward increasing the diversity of the scientific and health care workforces. Together with our community partners in Southeast San Diego and City Heights, to our collaborations with the VA Moores Cancer Center, UCSD School of Medicine, and the PATHS Program in the Department of Biological Sciences, the COE-RMTL continues to provide a safe nurturing and challenging environment for our students to grow and improve their academic and professional skills and achieve their goals.


During the summer, students participate in a structured program where they develop an original research project, write a report and prepare a presentation to take to conferences. In addition to their projects all students are exposed to lectures on health disparities research. Undergraduate and community college students receive lectures on preparation for graduate school, while high school students participate in an SAT prep course. Students may continue their research during the academic year.

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